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CANTACUZINO CASTLE I Here had been filmed Wednesday Netflix serial

Cantacuzino Castle is known is Neo-Roman castle in the middle of Romania. Cantacuzino Castle is situated in Bușteni, which is located in Prahova County in the region of Wallachia (also known as Muntenia). It's on the southern slope of the Carpathians, near where Wallachia, Moldavia, and Transylvania come together. It belonged to a Romanian noble family – Cantacuzino. As a filming location for Wednesday, the castle’s design was supplemented with special effects somewhat inspired by Bucharest’s “eclectic pile of architecture,” according to series production designer Mark Scruton. Some of Wednesday’s Nevermore interiors—like principal Larissa Weems’s (Gwendoline Christie) office and the adjacent railed mezzanine—were shot at the historic Monteoru House in Bucharest.

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